6 Apps, 1 Account
Your Keep&Share account is a secure (and shareable) place to store calendars, to do lists, files, photos, address books, and discussions. All with the same login, accessible from anywhere.

Hassle-Free Collaboration
It’s easy to share any items in any of the 6 apps with the right people, & you can even give them Edit Rights to collaborate with you. And you always control who sees what.

Valuable Calendar Integration
The other 5 apps support & integrate with your calendars. Overlay your to do lists into your calendar, link to address book entries, or files from an event, add photos to events... the apps work as 1 smooth team!

You get the same level of customization, privacy, sharing controls & security in all the ways your office communicates — not just your calendar.

Easily link to any of your Keep&Share files from your calendar, whether it’s directions to an event, a database of participants, or a to do list to make sure everything arrives on time.

Audit Logs tell you who downloaded, viewed, or edited what
Replace piles of paper with 1 secure office hub
Turn on automatic notifications of new changes
Remote employees are on the same page as everyone else
No software to install
On any computer or mobile device
Backups & encryption mean your files are safe
Selective sharing with individuals or the public

Create an account and download the free Keep&Share app

Consolidate all your customer databases, address books & more in 1 account

When your contacts are stored in Keep&Share, you can access them from anywhere, include them in calendar appointments, and attach notes, comments & tags.

Trying to track down a phone number or email address is no longer a hassle — now, all address book information is stored in one place, instead of scattered on different pieces of paper throughout the office.

  • Attach relevant contact cards to your appointments
  • Eliminate hunts through rolodexes or address books
  • Search, filter, and sort through your contacts by name, address, number, custom tags, & more
  • Sophisticated field mapping options make importing & exporting address book data flawless
  • Let others view, add to, or leave notes in your address book
  • Access up to 20,000 contacts from anywhere, even your smartphone
  • Import your existing address books for easy setup

Learn more about Addresses

Monitor your progress with customized To Do lists

You can even share to do lists with coworkers — you make sure the job gets done

The To Do app is designed to make you the most productive “you” possible! (And with easy sharing & collaboration features, it’ll help your staff & clients stay on top of things, too). Quickly know where you are in your projects and what you need to do next, even from your smartphone.

  • View the day’s to do’s in your calendar!
  • No weird setup — just click & start typing
  • Add start and due dates to any task
  • Unlimited text
  • Rearrange your to do items
  • Set it as Low-, Medium- or High-Priority
  • Add live hyperlinks
  • Super-satisfying strike-through action
  • Print your to-do lists & include your notes

Learn more about To Do lists

Never lose files in your email again

Store files securely online & access them easily. Collaborate with your staff & customers in 1 private location.

Once you upload files into your Keep&Share account you can always access them from any computer. Never loose information again, since Keep&Share shares and protects your files in secure online storage in our state-of-the-art data center.

  • Add files & docs to your calendar and events
  • Let people download files from your website, newsletters & more
  • Replace email back-and-forth with 1 comments section
  • Upload & share any type of file including Excel, Word & PDFs
  • Send attachments that are “too big for email”
  • Selective sharing lets you keep documents confidential
  • Type up docs in Keep&Share’s own word processor, and share them
  • Embed your files on websites

Learn more about Files

Easy online group discussions you can share

Make group collaboration easier by hosting your discussions online from one location

Turn team collaboration and updates into an efficient workflow, instead of a jumbled mess of emails & memos. You can post a topic for discussion and see who made a comment and reply to individual comments.

  • Create discussions online with full word-processing features
  • Get email AND text message notifications for changes in your discussions
  • Add photos, screenshots, and color-coding to your discussion topics
  • Use “Send Message” to send direct messages to group members

Learn more about Discussions

Share & store up to 70,000 photos in 1 accessible place

Upload your photos or have people email them into your account, then turn them into albums, slideshows, & more

Organize & share images of your worksites, products, or even photos from your events. Just like everything else in Keep&Share, you can access your photos from any internet-connected device, and easily share them with others. Coworkers or clients can even add to or edit albums if you let them.

Then, turn these collections into photo blogs or slideshows — in Keep&Share, sharing photos is as easy as sharing your calendar or any other files.

  • Add photos to your calendar/events
  • Share images with lots of people quickly
  • Upload photos from off-site & access them online instantly
  • Let multiple people contribute photos to one library or album
  • Create your own tags to group & identify photos

Learn more about Photos

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